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Lose Weight

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How To Lose Weight At Home Without Any Diet SUPPLEMENT

Are you the type of person that just hates taking any diet supplement? Well you are not alone. Many people every year search for a diet solution but they are not just wandering how to lose weight at home. They are interested in learning how to lose weight at home but without the use of any diet supplement. A diet supplement doesn’t have to be, necessarily, a bad idea but it is understandable if you would rather learn how to lose weight at home without the use of it.

Most diets on the market are quick fat burning solutions but you must take the secret ingredient in order for you to see the results you desire. And that secret ingredient is usually a fat burning supplement. Yet, there are very few diet solutions that have been proven to teach you how to lose weight at home and all without the use of any fat burning supplement. One of the few diets that many people love and are seeing the weight loss results quickly without the use of any fat burning supplement is called the Paleo Diet.

 How To Lose Weight At Home With The Paleo Diet

If you haven’t heard about the Paleo diet also referred to as “the caveman diet”; it is basically a lifestyle. It’s a diet lifestyle that dates back as far as tens of thousands of years ago when every living being had to survive as hunter-gathers. Although, these times were so long ago our bodies have pretty much remained the same as our ancient ancestors. Back then the majority of the population was muscular and athletic with very little disease but these days we are increasingly watching the population grow in obesity, unhappiness, and unlimited amounts of diseases, never heard of before. 

If we think about how we got here you would soon come to know that it’s because of a discovery of farming. Once we discovered farming years ago, we never looked back and left the hunter-gather lifestyle behind. Let me point out that the Paleo diet does not teach you how to become a hunter-gather as our ancestors once were. But it does teach you how to lose weight at home free of any fat burning supplement.

Once we discovered farming we also discovered grains; allowing us to gain access to bread, pasta, corn, rice, etc. It is recommended that we eat more than 6 servings of grains per day and as a result over 60% of the population is obese; and these statistics are only growing every year.

The Paleo diet allows us to go back before the agricultural revolution of farming to begin living and eating healthier immediately. You see back when our ancestors lived as hunter-gathers; grains were never part of our diets. Instead, we ate what we could hunt and/or find such as: meats, fish, berries, seasonal fruits, etc. Grains were discovered much later and have been the cause of so many problems since. Grains are composed of carbohydrates, and those carbs are turned into glucose (a type of sugar) in our system to be used for energy and various other tasks to help our body function – any glucose that isn’t used as energy is stored as fat.

How To Lose Weight At Home With The Paleo Diet and Never Have To Count Calories

The key to losing weight with the Paleo diet and without the use of any fat burning supplement is to enjoy your meals and eat as much as you want. What do I mean? Well, the Paleo diet allows you to eat foods of your choice such as: grass-fed meats, chicken, duck, hen, turkey… things with wings that (try to) fly, Omega-3 enriched eggs, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil – think natural, as many non-deep fried vegetables as you’d like, sweet potatoes and yams that are higher in calories and carbs, so these are good for right after a workout to replenish your glycogen levels. Also, nuts; as they’re good for a snack, but don’t eat bags and bags of them because they are high in calories, and so much more.

As you can see the Paleo diet is one of the best diets on the market that will indeed teach you how to lose weight at home without the use of any fat burning supplement. You are basically adapting to an all-natural diet plan that is free of grains. The Paleo diet is a great weight to lose weight quickly and keep those pounds off without a supplement because you can eat as much as you want and never have to count calories or worry about over eating because with this diet it is impossible to over eat. Why? Well, because of the meal plan and choices you will be to full to over eat. These natural foods listed in the Paleo diet have the right amount of nutrients and protein that will fill you and keep you from feeling hungry until your next meal so there is no way to over eat. 

All I ask is that you try it for 30 days before passing judgment.

Go ahead and cut out the grains and dairy, begin to eat more vegetables and fruits, more of the humanely raised and non-grain-fed meat, begin cutting out all the liquid calories and sugar, and see how you feel after a month’s time. Make sure you check with your doctor before making any drastic changes, but go ahead and get your blood work done before beginning the Paleo diet and at the end of the month check to see once more; that is if you’re analytical and want numbers to use in your final verdict.

Take a picture of yourself now, and then another 30 days from now.  I bet you’ll be surprised.

To learn more about the Paleo diet click here

I see you’re ready to eat Paleo but don’t know how to cook anything? How about these delicious Paleo recipes ideas?

The best recipe book I've discovered

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